Foundation Projects

The Foundation (ASF), created in December 2003 as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Washington,
was organized exclusively educational purposes. It was designated a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS in July 2004.
Specifically, The Foundation provides the general public objective information on a range of airline safety and aviation risk assessment topics.

Promote the Study of Aviation Safety and Aviation Risk Assessment
ASF will provide both guidance and financial support to graduate and undergraduate students in engineering and scientific disciplines in order to encourage study and research
in aviation safety, aviation risk assessment, and related areas.
The Foundation has endowed a permanent scholarship at the University of Texas at Austin College of Engineering
that will support an undergraduate engineering student at this school.

Maintain one or more airline safety information web sites
These sites will promote public education by providing the general public with clear and concise information about airline safety and aviation risk assessment.
One of these is the current site of, which links to statistical data and other material related to airline safety and aviation risk assessment.

Outreach to the general public
ASF will create and manage mailing lists of members of the public and of the news media who wish to receive information on airline safety and aviation risk assessment.
ASF has also sponsored The Conversation at, a podcast that has been made freely available to the public.
The Foundation also sponsors the subscription service, which allows subscribers to be automatically notified when is updated.

Other Outreach Activities
The Foundation will work with other educational and nonprofit organizations on projects related to science and enginering education or to education or training activities related to risk assessment and risk management